Product Consulting



From User-Centric to Market-Proven: Skip the Risks

Don’t gamble on your product’s success. We help you validate your vision with user research, competitor analysis, and market validation. Gain clarity on user needs and market potential before investing in development. Get a roadmap to success and launch with confidence, building products users love.

Market Research & Analysis
  • Market Opportunity Analysis
  • Competitive Landscape Analysis / SWOT Analysis
  • Market Research Reports
User Understanding


  • Value Proposition Canvas
  • User Personas
  • User Journey Maps
Feedback Collection & Analysis
  • Surveys
  • User Interviews
Problem & Solution Definition
  • Problem Statement Document
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Definition with high level estimates.
  • Solution Overview / Feature List & Prioritization
Project Initiation
    • Product Vision & Mission Statement

    • Project Charter
    • Roadmap 
    • Team Structure and Roles 

Agile & Design Thinking
  • Mind-map 
  • Stakeholder workshops
  • Co-creation sessions
  • Reviews & Feedbacks 
  • Empathy environment  

Boost Efficiency, Reduce Risk: Streamline Your Build & Test Phase

Minimize risk and maximize efficiency with our Build & Test phase expertise. We manage requirements, sprints, user stories, and business testing. Gain valuable insights with reports and dashboards. Focus on your vision while we ensure its flawless execution.

Requirement & Planning
  • Product Backlog & & Prioritization
  • Release Planning
  • Sprint Backlog & Prioritization  
  • Sprint Planning
Specification & Design

  •  User Stories – Grooming
  • Definition of Ready ( DoR)
  • UI Style Guide 
  • Design Documentation 
Quality Assurance
  • Acceptance Criteria
  • Acceptance Testing
  • Business Testing 
  • Release Testing
Product Management
  • Sprint Management & Execution 
  • Release Management & Execution 
  • Sprint Demos and demo notes 
  • Retrospective and Notes
  • Burn-down charts
    • Product Metrics Progress

    • Product Status Progress

    • Roadmap snapshot and progress for Stakeholders 

Agile & Design Thinking
  • Scrum
  • Prioritization 
  • Sprint Goals
  • Agile Change Management
  • Continuous Integration & Deployment (CI/CD)

Launch Like a Pro: Seamless Go-to-Market with Expert Preparation

Ensure a flawless product launch with our pre-launch expertise. We create deployment plans, user manuals, training materials, and a strategic go-to-market plan. Focus on your vision while we handle the details for a smooth transition from build to market.

Launch & Adoption

Pre-Launch Preparation
  • Deployment Plan
  • Training Materials
  • User Manuals

Launch & Adoption

Launch Execution
  • Build Release Notes
  • Product Metrics Reports
  • Go-to-Market Strategy
  • Marketing Campaign Assets

Launch & Adoption

Post-Launch Activities
  • User Onboarding Guides
  • Customer Support Playbooks
  • Customer Success Programs
  • User Adoption Metrics Dashboard


User Engagement & Feedback
  • User Feedback & Surveys
  • Customer Feedback Collection Plan
  • Feedback Analysis Reports
  • Roadmap Updates


Analytics & Optimization
    • Analytics & Metrics Dashboard

    • User Behavior Analytics

    • Feature Voting and Prioritization

    • Customer Feedback Dashboard Updates


Marketing & Promotion
  • Content Calendar
  • SEO Strategy
  • Marketing Campaign Plans
  • Paid Advertising Campaigns